Strengthen your corporate brand
with Brand Armour

Your company’s Brand Armour is a connected set of parts that work together to protect you in a competitive and demanding world. But perhaps there are areas that need to work harder for your company or no longer reflect your company’s status and ambitions.

A full Brand Armour Audit assesses your company – and a competitor of your choice – in six areas of branding and communications:  

Purpose / Messaging / Identity /
Authenticity / Consistency / Engagement

Each of these is defined by a set of key criteria. We use these to assess your company’s performance and to determine a score. We use this methodology for effective immersion in all our new clients and for diagnosis of their challenges.

The report we will share with you will include both short-term and longer-term recommendations.

The value of Brand Armour

Your brand and communications are always being tested, even more so during times of transformation. Sometimes they need to change, sometimes certain elements simply need to work harder or ‘flex’ to give them more longevity.

The strength of your brand ensures you cut through and the substance and consistency of communication make you believable.

When optimised, your Brand Armour defends you against challenges, enables you to achieve your ambitions and optimises business performance.

Contact us

Contact Katriina Cooper, Brand Strategist for a complimentary assessment focusing on two of the six Brand Armour areas.

+44(0)7977 139 658